Remember! Mark your calendars and go check out the Zombies In Love show at gallery Nucleus! they have all kinds of activities planned for that night and you can go make out in front of this painting if you want. totally cool with me.
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It's awesome! (And thanks for the process post too!)... I LOVE the little arms and legs and bits and bobs scattered around!
scott, I wonder if you liked old-school polly pockets? Despite them being girly. I loved them, so little and full of little things, this drawing has made me think of them
Love it! Where's Waldo's brain?
that is really awesome. really.
Brain bumper cars! Sweeeeet.
This is so perfect!
Good job
Fabulous. I want one - because... our business is... http://www.zombierunner.com/about/palo_alto_store/
Sure would look fabulous in our store.
Just curious, are you selling this piece at the show? (We're up in the Palo Alto.)
- dc
EEEEEEK this is awesome.
You should make prints of this!
(Also, I recently saw your arts at Show and Tell Gallery here in Toronto, wonderful stuff!)
I love your works!
An inspiration as always. You know, sometimes I have to consciously *not* draw in the vein of Raz and the gang because they are so etched into my mind.
Hey Scodger.
I was just about to post a comment about how this partickleear pic dint make me laugh as much as your preev yus stuff has. Then I realized that I should probabobably say first up-off that you're the captain of laugh town as far as i'm con-soy-end! And that as this is my first post on your blog I'd better make it nice. So there it is, your the cap-i-tan of laff-ghanistan, I'll save my equivocations 'til laterwards, bra vo.
nuts, my inital comment is blighted by the inclusion of a "your" where a "you're" should be - I still love you Grammar
ahahaha bellissimo!!
ci sono un sacco di coppiette o si stanno mangiando tra loro?
Mr. C, I'm an art student in his first year of college, and although this feels kind of weird to type, I'm sure you would like hearing that you are my favorite artist and main source of inspiration.
Man, what a process. I assumed everything was done with/by computers nowadays but then again I don't know anything about anything when it comes to art. I do really love all the stuff I've ever seen of yours and for some reason it makes me happy to see that its a lot of work and a labor of love. I'll be at the Nucleus show, and in the Zombie Parade, hope to see you there.
I saw this at Nucleus Scott and absolutely fell in love with it - your an amazing artist!!
Looks awesome! I also enjoyed seeing how you made it--I love seeing how other people make their work. :)
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