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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Battle Supreme Prints!

Dear homies! Nucleus Gallery added a new print to their repetoire. The Battle Supreme! I think there will be two sizes, so if you want to get a super big size to wallpaper the wall of your child's bedroom or your awesome den where you are working on that novel, you can do that, too! These guys'll battle anywhere you put them. Awesome, my friends. see you.
from, scottc

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hickee #3 is go-gettable.

Hey, it's finally out. The next Hickee comic. Go to your local comic store and pick up a copy! Or, if you're lazy, go somewhere awesome online, like mars imports or Silverbulletcomics.

My comic deals with gladiator battles. A hot topic in our world's history.
go read the rest of it! also in the book are new comics by Graham Annable, Nathan Stapley, Joe White, Razmig Mavlian, Paul Brown, and Vamberto Maduro.
major good times.
ok, bye. -scottc

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Another Tiny Showcase Print!

Castle Ultimate. But oh, man! They sold out already! What the crap! they only made 100 and i think tiny showcase is super popular. People love that place. You should go check it out HERE! Plus it's jon's birthday who runs it and he is a ruling dude. so go check it out even more. sweet. ok, later! ..scottc

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Super Important Meeting Notes

Hi, everybody. Guess what? I love taking notes in meetings. Especially important meetings that contain so much important information that I must remember or I am totally dead. These are some examples of important notes that I have taken from recent important meetings.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

the Prehistoric Series.

So these are the paintings that i'll have in the portland show. Along with Battle Supreme.
Prehistory. Way Way back in history.
p.s. Battle Supreme fits because those guys could very well be fighting near some cavemen.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Portland Art Show

Oh, man. Check this out. Hickee is having an art show this thursday in portland. And i am flying up on a plane to be there and drink a glass of wine.

these good bros will be showing new paintings:
Graham Annable
Joe White
Nathan Stapley

The Hickee Trunk Show
June 5th to June 30th
Opening Reception: June 7th, 6pm-10pm

Pony Club
625 NW Everett Street #105
Portland, OR

i will post my little paintings in a sec. or maybe tomorrow.

later, the world.

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