oh, man. you guys are totally going to freak again.
The Friday before the HOME SLICE show, Love Ablan and Jen Zern came over and we all did an awesome Fashion Shoot with our new puppet friends for their magazine called COMRADE.
I mean, it's not really a fashion shoot. It is more of a photo shoot, i guess, but i like thinking of these puppets as getting all fashiony.
So Love took some amazing photos and Jen interviewed. And Jon and Michael helped. It was probably one of the funnest days on earth. You can go read it and look at it here: comrademag.comGO NOW!

Here are some more pictures from the shoot...

...just learning some things...

...and meetin' up for some drinks...

...feelin' sort of emotional sometimes...

... challenging each other...

.. and enjoying beverages by the fireplace...
OH, and i dont think i posted the paintings that Russ went from when he built these guys... these are at the Home Slice show at Nucleus right now...

Alright, that is all... go enjoy COMRADE. and thanks, Love and Jen!