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Monday, October 29, 2007

the Mummy Series

"Mummy Chateau"
"Mummy Crowd"
"Mummy Dragon Attack"
"Mummy Guest (unwanted)"
"Mummy Jump"
"Mummy Impressive Knight"
"Mummy Rad Kite"
"Mummy Sub"

ok, hello, everyone. Another Art Show is afoot. It is called "Paper Pushers" and it will only contain works on paper. That's why it's got paper in the title cleverly. It is at Gallery 1988 in SF.

the logistics:

Paper Pushers Oct. 30 - Nov. 21
reception: Tuesday Oct. 30.... 7 - 10pm
Gallery 1988
1173 sutter st.
san francisco

and here is their blog... so you can see the work all over the floor in an interesting way...

alright, sweet. byee.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


So my friend Dice is doing this amazing project called Sketchtravel with his friend Gerald in Paris. It's this awesome sketchbook that they are having artists contribute to from around the world. And when it is done, they are going to auction it off. And probably publish it. It's pretty amazing so far. My favorite is Robert Valley's piece. Blows me away, that guy.
But anyway, i am super happy to be involved. Very privileged feeling. It's a cool project.
Dice wanted hundreds of soldiers and a board game. That was his request. I threw in a caveman for good measures.
Ok, awesome. Going to Paris this weekend. Can't wait. omg.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

i like geek monthly

One reason i like it is because of this awesome article. Feel free to read it. It will make you feel great.
Another reason is just because it is a super great magazine. I didn't realize until recently when i spent some time with it. This one was from july. I am sorry it took me awhile to say anything about it. I lag sometimes. Other times though i do not lag. fyi.
ok, sweet! -scott
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