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Sunday, July 19, 2009

San Diego Comic Con...

I shall be there this year, everyone. Kicking it at the Flight Comics / Gallery Nucleus booth #2329! Thursday -Sunday, July 23-26th.

Although i am very sad to say that i did not do a new Igloo Head and Tree Head for Flight 6, which is debuting at the con. very sorry. i was busy painting houses what are cutaway.

BUT i shall have these things at the booth!!!:

-the Double Fine
Action Comics Book!
-Double Fine
Action Comics T-shirts!
-Double Fine
Action Comics buttons!
-Double Fine
Action Comics Stickers!
-New Prints!

Double Fine Action Comic stuff...

New Prints, such as...

And one SPECIAL PRINT from the SUPREME BROSHIP show in London. This is by far my favorite piece. It is called "Raygun" and it is one of the collaboratives Jim Mahfood and i did together. He will have prints of it at his table and i shall have some at my table...

Also! on friday i shall be doing some live painting with Jim Mahfood at this place called the Voyeur Club.

Brutal Legend with have a big presence at the EA booth this year. So if you want to see the other project i've been working on for the last bunch of years, go by the EA booth. Tim Schafer will also be there and i know you love that good bro. I think GWAR might be kicking it, too. Unsure.

OK! that's it! See you in San Diego!!


Joshua Wysocki said...

can't wait to find you at comic con

i need you to draw me a dinosaur for my sketchbook:

Nichole said...

how much will the raygun print be? Also, how do the people who are not cool enough to attend comic con get ahold of one of these prints? Thanks!

Whitney Pollett said...

Awesoooome! these are so great!
I'll be sure to stop by your booth at Comic-con. :)

capntightpants said...

Hi Scott! I got to meet you and told you about how much I liked the Spider-Man party thing. Thanks for the awesome signing and sketch on the book!

- David

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