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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the SPX report.

It was awesome. Good times party all around. Thank you to everyone who came by! I met some new sweet people and old time sweet people.

Here are some photographic memories.

p.s. i am happy to have Lazy Knight back in the mix. Though he really misses LA he keeps telling me.

...setting up the table. Lazy Knight supervises (lazily).

...Lazy Knight and his new friend who i forget the name of. New Friend was shy.

...Meredith and John making things happen.

...Dustin filming Kate's Lazy Knight Show Extreme(c)

ok, that's it! see you all! (at APE actually)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

SPX! Let's do it!

SPX this weekend.

i shall be at table D1-2B. Please come and visit!

Here is a checklist of things i shall have at the table:

- Double Fine Action Comics Book
- Double Fine Action Comics Stickers
- Double Fine Action Comics Buttons

- Double Fine Action Comics Shirts
- Prints (Including RayGun and Terrifying One's Neighborhood.)
- Great Great Grandshow Art Book

- Various Hickee comics
- Lazy Knight Meet and Greet.
- Dustin Harbin
- Other hodge podge

Monday, September 21, 2009

Brutal Legend Art walkthrough...

Hey, gang. So the Brutal Legend demo is out now. The game is set to be released October 13th. (This is the game we've been working on at Double Fine for like 5 years)

Here is a sweet "Art Of" walkthrough by Lee Petty, DF Art Director. Lee is the best. It shows a lot of the various parts of the game... if you want to see the style and so forth. It's also got a bunch of the concept art in there.

and if you want to see the opening cinematic, which might spoil your playing experience a little bit.. or it might psyche you up for it.. you can watch it here:


More info on all this stuff at the Double Fine site...
and at the Brutal Legend site...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

SPX this weekend!

"Portrait of Lazy Knight"

Man. This weekend is going to be the best. I hope you are going. Because we will all be enjoying the best time together.

This weekend is SPX in Bethesda.
It will be the first time i have been there in like 5 years or something. Big time. I will be chilling at table D1-D2b with Dustin Harbin, my tight bro from North Carolina.

i'll have books and t-shirts and prints... all that stuff. But also, Lazy Knight will finally be making an appearance. He was supposed to be in San Diego for that convention, but homie is super busy and also lazy. So he's hard to motivate sometimes.

But he'll be there! sweet. It will be pretty great.

Friday, September 11, 2009

New Ninja House Prints.


Some news: Gallery Nucleus has just released limited edition prints of the Ninja House painting from the HOME SLICE show back before summertime. Limited edition of 25.

So go get that thing if that was something you totally wanted before!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Article in Revista Ilustrar #12...

Hey, world! Check out the new issue of Revista Ilustrar... #12!

It is a Brazilian art magazine that interviews all kinds of awesome artists. Very interesting. The issues are available for free DOWNLOAD here.

They are only in Portuguese at the moment, but they are planning to have them all translated to English in a month or two. So Ricardo the super pleasant editor says. (he is very nice that guy. i vouch for that dude.)

My little section is about 8 pages. Here are the first three...

Friday, September 04, 2009

FUN show... tonight...

Everyone! Tonight is that Return of the FUN show at Meltdown comics in LA. Go to it.

Here are my paintings that you will see there. Based on some of the artists who kicked it at the FUN Gallery back in the early eighties... i would tell you who they are, but it is fun to guess i think. right?

"A Day In The Streets"

"Guardian Angel of Little Dudes"

"Taking LIBERTY(c) For A Stroll"
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