The second house is revealed. This one is called "CLOUD HOUSE" it is a house inside of a cloud. A fake cloud. This is from the upcoming solo exhibish called HOME SLICE at Gallery Nucleus on March 7th. I am working feverishly.


More to be revealed soon. So get ready! However you want to get ready.
Looks like a jovial time.
You're going to make me fall in love with you.
Great piece! Jealous of your style... but love seeing it anyways.
Keep it up!
hehehe... I love cloud houses! Nice work my friend.
So rad. Good show old boy.
I wish you could just come and draw all over my bedroom walls.
gorgeous as always! always love the amount of details in your pieces :)
Fantastically fantastic. Any chance this might become a print that us starving students could buy?
looks like a terrific work!!!!
THis is incredible. i want one!
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