Tina Ziegler over at Hunt & Gather just posted an interview she did with me! So there is even MORE stuff you need to find out about. More secrets to enjoying the world. SPOILERS: i mention trees and light.
another spoiler... this picture is on there..

(p.s. i did not draw that logo. That's tina's sweet logo.)
HEy, you're a scruffy long-hair guy in a red sweatshirt and a grey knit hat! It's like looking in a mirror.
The interview page only loads the title and a picture of the cult tree for me. Does anyone else get that problem? I'll try it again later.
omg all of this is so great!
i get the same thing, no interview, just the cult tree pic and i can't even get into her blog
You're awesome. Deal with it.
hi, everyone! that is strange that some of you cannot see it. i apologize. here is a link to her site.. maybe jsut try that and see if you can see it..
ok.. i hope it works for you!
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