On March 7 - March 23 at Gallery Nucleus in LA, i'll be showing paintings of HOUSES where people live. They will be cut-away so you can see the goings on of the residents.. here is an example of one of those houses.. it is called "ROCKET HOUSE".

There will be other nice things at this show, too, that i cannot mention just yet. because i am unsure what of them will happen. But wow will it be great.
So mark it down on your calendars. I will remind you like a hundred times though, so dont worry.
cool. -scottc.
so cool
love it
saw this the other day at nucleus. i can't wait to see all the work :)
I am certainly all buzzy to see more!
Wow, Scott, this is just too good. I remember drawing mega cars when I was a kid, with rooms in them for my books and stuff. I loved the idea of being able to take your life along going somewhere else.
I think it's very positive that you seem to be keeping in touch with the child in you.
Hope the show turns out all right. And if you ever sell this mother, let me know.
hello scott!
great pictures... great idea...I like it!
...see you
my word verification agrees.
wf: unicro
(like unique, but cooler)
Cool stuff Scott, can't wait to see more.
I adore your work. If I had a treehouse, I'd paper my walls with it.
Question: what type of ink do you use? Is it out of a bottle, or a concoction of your own?
awwwww scott that is mega awesome man!
Haha, Your "rocket house" is amazing! Best of luck at your March Show.
i love love love your stuff. i wish i could create such imaginative stuff.
I shall be there HO Fo Sho!!!
The exercise room is the best!
Pretty helpful info, lots of thanks for this article.
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