Hey, everybody. the KING OF KONG A FISTFUL OF QUARTERS is the best movie ever. I love this movie very much. The DVD is now out and i am super honored to have done a painting to be used as the alternate cover of the dvd. i havent seen it yet in real life, but i think you can turn the cover inside out. i am unsure, but i think you should go see for yourself. also there are some awesome extras on the dvd like an animated short by gabe swarr about the history of donkey kong. he is the best. gabe swarr.
also, i am 8bit is going to start selling prints of this piece within the month i think. AND we will all be doing a signing in LA sometime this month as well. i will let you know when that is.. when i find out. i think everybody will be there having a good time.. like the king of kong people perhaps...
so here is the dvd you can look for in the stores..

ok, sweet. see you. you're the best.
Man, Scott. Does it feel pretty good to be the best? I bet it does.
holy crap you even put battlezone in there! they have a Battlezone in portland right next to Tempest and Asteroids. it was my favorite corner in the whole city.
this is so good dude. so good.
Your painting is incredible! So good, I want that print, keep us posted about when 8-bit do it...
I hadn't heard of the movie before, will check it out. Keep up the excellence.
I wanna play »Skulls«, whatever it is.
alternate cover?...yours should be on the front, one & only one
I like that a lot of your other characters made cameo appearances. solid work.
Wow, this is so koo!!
I hope you sell prints of this?
Nice job!
This is freakin' stellar.
Hey man
I love your work, and laughed at what looks like a self-portrait with the two ladies. I see Raz in there too lol. My girlfriend and I actually are playing through Psychonauts for the first time now. We're at the asylum and jumped into the Napoleon guys head just last night haha. I think we've had the most fun so far in Boyd's mind, the neighborhood. Kickass work, man, thank you.
Oh geeze, way to be awesome, Scott C. Holy crap. Amazing. Wow.
There's no more room on my walls for Scott C.! Damn you! This is super great, especially the line quality and the great--even better than usual--watercolors. Not to mention the composition. Let's see, did I leave anything out?
Thanks for another WICKED AWESOME desktop! You're my hero! Every post makes me jealous! lol.
OMG King of Kong is AMAZING! Just saw it yesterday! Good looking Scott!
I work in a video store and was amazed to see your name on the back of this case. Freaking great as usual, man.
-Jory Griffis
Wow, that's shockingly high-profile. Awesome work, Scott!
you are a beast. first aid! that shit is halarious
so, "wow" really isn't a very original comment here, but seriously. wow. so amazing.
your cameoage is awesome. from ogres, mummys, ninjas, Raz, the dude who rides the big bike. Is that even a bagel cameo?
My favorite = precious legend
that is out of pocket, scott. jesus.
I only just discovered you (better late than never). Your stuff is incredible, very intelligent, and weirdly enough very fine-art. live long and prosper.
This is awesome! new desktop!
Hi Scott!
I bought a print of this at Nucleus last night. I love it! All the tiny details bring that special time back so vividly.
I work at a console game developer and I'm going to frame the print for display in one of the main areas to remind everyone of our roots.
Thanks man,
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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Where Can I buy The signed King of Kong Print? Nucleus Art Gallery is out? Thanks,
I absolutely tie in with anything you've presented us.
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