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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

HICKEE #4 out NOW! ...almost.

JANUARY 2nd... actually!
The new Hickee comic will be out in all of your local comic shops. So you should save up and go buy one.
OR you could preorder one here.

The theme of the book is "crime". So if crime interests you, this book will probably interest you. Stories by: Graham Annable, Nathan Stapley, Joe White, Vamberto Maduro, and Me.

My story is about a p
rison break. Here is a sneak peek:
The world famous nathan stapley did the bitchin cover. Here it is, so you can go look for it at that local comic shop or that comic shop in the exotic locale:

Ok, later! Stay cool! -scottc

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Art Auction for charity.... in Portland.

Dear everyone.
This weekend there will be an auction in portland. I donated these two things to this awesome auction:
One of the last copies of the world famous "Pyramid Car" mini comic with a fuzzy cover, starring three mummy pals and their amazing pyramid car. I drew a picture inside it with a special pen. And wrote a clever note, i think.
And also, a little painting of two of the dudes who starred in the smash hit "pyramid car", hanging out enjoying a new pyramid costume.

This auction is going to be amazing. You should go check it out in person or digitally.

the info:
Saturday, Dec. 15th (That's THIS SATURDAY)
6:00-8:00 PM @ Guapo Comics & Coffee, 6416 SE Foster Rd., Portland, OR

ok, later! ..scott

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

500th anniversary.

recently i have hit #500 in my Double fine Action Comic. I have to admit that i havent been updating every single day, but i am hoping 2008 will reignite that fire. 500 is a good solid number to reignite it. Plus bagel is back from his pilgrimage, so maybe he will also reignite.
p.s. DFAC book in 2008. for sure. get ready. -scottc.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Society of Illustrators Award!

omg, everyone. Igloo Head and Tree Head just recieved a silver medal from the Society of Illustrators in the Sequential Art category. And Cliff Ogres has been accepted into the book illustration category. This is a huge honor because the Society of Illustrators are legit! They've been hanging out being awesome since 1901 when they all were cruising around wearing bowler hats and canes. and olde timey gloves!
The exhibition for the Sequential show will be in January. The book category will be in February. In new york. I will remind you about it later. but awesome.
here is the lucky art:

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