here are the first three pages of my new story for Flight. Aw, man! A total cliffhanger! What'll happen to that poor dude? Flight 4 will have the answer. Flight is the anthology that the awesome fellow Kazu puts together. It is quite fancy and great looking. I am not sure when it comes out. Early next year maybe? But oh, man. There are some nice stories in there. This story continues for another 13 pages. 13 pages of explosive action. you will go nuts when you see what happens. absolutely bananas. signed, scottc
I did not know you were doing a story for Flight! I've always loved the Flight books, and they always have a bunch of my favorite artists in them (though I was a bit disappointed to find that Vera was not in the last one). But now that I know you've got a story in there, I am, like, *super*-excited for the next one.
YES! Your comics are always an absolute joy, and Flight is a great thing, can't wait to get the book and read what becomes of Tree Head and Igloo Head! You've teased me good.
The best comic... I'm so glad I know what happens or it would be killing me right now.
I did not know you were doing a story for Flight! I've always loved the Flight books, and they always have a bunch of my favorite artists in them (though I was a bit disappointed to find that Vera was not in the last one). But now that I know you've got a story in there, I am, like, *super*-excited for the next one.
i want to climb tree head, if you know what i mean.
...and then chill in the igloo head afterwards.
This is my favorite Scott C comic.
a scott c comic of the finest caliber
YES! Your comics are always an absolute joy, and Flight is a great thing, can't wait to get the book and read what becomes of Tree Head and Igloo Head! You've teased me good.
Can I buy Pyramid Car yet and if so how?
this is really beautifull!loved the comics:D
super kawaii deshoo, scottc
i dig the sexy lineweights!
lucky mee i have the key
so's i can read da whole thingy!
Haha what a bummer that he will now be know as "Stumphead" That would suck.
I'm totally needing conclusion to this. When is flight 4 on sale? Oh and yeah I would really love to get my hands on a copy of Pyramid car.
Keep on drawing this amazing stuff, you are a huge inspiration.
FLIGHT FOUR is a definite purchase for this reason specifically.
Dude, that's rad. Can't wait to see more.
poor tree head, i feel his pain.
Thanks for this post, quite helpful material.
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