so listen, i want to share some things with you.
before i go putting up new stuff for you to look at, i wanted to put up some old school stuff. (mostly because i have no new stuff. tbh.) the first batch of old school stuff are these eight heads from an art show i did with the hickee guys one time.
thanks for sharing this memory lane with me, diary.

woo hoo!
holy cow faries. these are stupentacular!!! Love your backgrounds. i also love the characters. and the cheese. Swiss mostly.
Yep. There are indeed 8 representations of heads.
And a swell collection it is.
I love these designs. I think my favorite's the sea captain-lookin' guy.
Jesse's right; these look great and all, and I don't mean to hurt anyone's credit by pointing this out, but those aren't real heads. I think that maybe they are illustrations of heads drawn onto elliptical discs. I'm pretty sure.
gosh. Those heads are nice. Memory lane is so great.
totally fantastic
surely, your art is way a-head of others . Get it? Way a-HEAD?
I fear not.
This is truly some amazing stuff. Love the designs of the heads and the ink-blotted look of the lines. Love it.
Aw, man, these are great. Great designs/shapes. Great splotchey line. Nice job!
i got that hot long-haired beauty hanging on my's wickid!
Cool domes!
It can't actually work, I believe so.
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