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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

8 heads

hi, diary.
so listen, i want to share some things with you.
before i go putting up new stuff for you to look at, i wanted to put up some old school stuff. (mostly because i have no new stuff. tbh.) the first batch of old school stuff are these eight heads from an art show i did with the hickee guys one time.
thanks for sharing this memory lane with me, diary.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Ye Olde Timey Paperboy

here's my painting of "ye olde timey paperboy" for the I AM 8BIT show in L.A. this week..

sweet. thanks, diary.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


here are my paintings from the APE$#!T show, diary. it started last friday and goes to june 10th. at space 743 harrison st. in san francisco.

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