Prehistory. Way Way back in history.
p.s. Battle Supreme fits because those guys could very well be fighting near some cavemen.
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"Tea Chaps" is the greatest!!
Caveman ridge is super-cute, Scott. Though those guys are sitting ducks.
The gala opening tomorrow is going to be pretty great.
dont lie, i remember when you painted those things in 1870. ha ha just kidding.
The Rock Mouthing is totally awesome!!!
Btw, i have a problem!:
I´m really into making computer games, mostly platformers.
But this time i cannot come up with a crazy and funny story.
I would be sooo glad if anyone of you guys who is checking Scott C´s blog out would help me with this story.
I would love a caveman story!
another awesome bunch o' painting buddy....rocky mouth is the one!
Oh my!!!This ROCKS!!!!Nice colors also!!
"Super Happy Nose Poke" is pretty great actually too.
(Just thought it deserved some respect amongst all the other props being given out.) The caveman looks appropriately unsure about whether *he* should be super happy or not!
love rock mouthing and tea chaps!
these are majectic!
Man, you're style has changed so much from back in the Lucas Learning days..
That's one super happy nose poke, alright. Great stuff Scott!
Love your characters! I'd like to watch this on tv some day. Nice blog, bruddha.'
I just love yr style.
it looks like luxurious cartoon~
Man! I think your stuff is really great. Seriously, its like this crazy combination of 50's schoolhouse rock flavor + "Where The Wild Things Are" color schemes + huge blob of really great imagination = cool. The colors are great, it reminds me of old 70's couches or something. greens and beige and browns. good stuff.
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