Here is a painting of the Austrian fellow who worked the epic grill at this party i went to upstate a few weeks back. Karl and some of his favorite things.
Like all your stuff, brings a smile. BTW, it was really great to be able to swing by the gallery of your stuff (among others) in Columbus, OH. Just when I thought nothing interesting happens in my city :P
Awesome, reminds me of neighbors that I grew up with, ha ha
If you don't mind me asking, what kind of tool do you use to ink with?
Austrians are awesome.
Like all your stuff, brings a smile. BTW, it was really great to be able to swing by the gallery of your stuff (among others) in Columbus, OH. Just when I thought nothing interesting happens in my city :P
During the Christmas season, Karl drinks meat nog.
thanks,everyone! sweet!
erin, i use a princeton cat's tongue brush #4 for the linework. it is the ultimate brush. no question in my household.
blake, awesome you made it to that show in Columbus! that city sounds like interesting things happen. that gallery is dope sounding.
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