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fantastic! i wish i could hit this up favorites are yours and ken garduno'si'm just so glad that sushi is finally fitting in...they're all so dang cute
awesome. i'll never eat sushi the same way...
oh emm gee... your viking ship is amazing. i heart your stuff so much. i had your ninja painting as my desktop for the longest time and i think everyone in my office wanted a print.
shit man...your art is inspiring! i would watch any cartoon you did art for!
I just L O V E those drawings !<3Thanks !
Hey, Scott!These are super cool. I'm glad Double Fine linked here. I'll have to order your collection of comics, too. Bob
These look great! I love your work...thanks for posting:)
wow, unbelievable, u never fail! I love the Sushis! The composition for Happiness on High Seas works really well!
i love the sushis so much.
I love these. I'm so glad that nothing gets those sushis down.
these are all soo adorable!
Great stuff Scott. Seems there's no idea you can't explore.
I adore these...and everything else. Thanks for the work, so glad I found it!(And I'll eat sushi no matter what, cute or not)
i'm glad that the sushi are well adjusted but am concerned that tofu is actually tamago with an identity crisis
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fantastic! i wish i could hit this up favorites are yours and ken garduno's
i'm just so glad that sushi is finally fitting in...they're all so dang cute
awesome. i'll never eat sushi the same way...
oh emm gee... your viking ship is amazing. i heart your stuff so much. i had your ninja painting as my desktop for the longest time and i think everyone in my office wanted a print.
shit man...your art is inspiring! i would watch any cartoon you did art for!
I just L O V E those drawings !
Thanks !
Hey, Scott!
These are super cool. I'm glad Double Fine linked here. I'll have to order your collection of comics, too.
These look great! I love your work...thanks for posting:)
wow, unbelievable, u never fail! I love the Sushis! The composition for Happiness on High Seas works really well!
i love the sushis so much.
I love these. I'm so glad that nothing gets those sushis down.
these are all soo adorable!
Great stuff Scott. Seems there's no idea you can't explore.
I adore these...and everything else. Thanks for the work, so glad I found it!
(And I'll eat sushi no matter what, cute or not)
i'm glad that the sushi are well adjusted but am concerned that tofu is actually tamago with an identity crisis
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