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Thursday, August 21, 2008

8-Bit Showdowns... the prints.

ok, so those 8-Bit Showdowns sold out at the show.

But that's ok because Paper Tiger is doing a super limited print run of the 8-Bit Showdown paintings. Only 30 of each set. 2 sets. Signed and all that.

here is the first set that you might need to get...

Limited time action. The greatest kind of action because it makes people all hyper.


Anonymous said...

Purchased! this will be my 4th print 9th total of Scotts art

Anonymous said...

what happened to the other 5 prints from the set? are they going to be sold as well?

Anonymous said...

Yes they will be sold eventually only two at a time are being released on the site per week or atleast that the format they have now

Anonymous said...

These are sickkkkkkk!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tetris is definitely my favorite, but Rampage is a close second!

Anonymous said...

when are the next 5 coming out?

BluBoy Comics by Ryan Spencer said...

OMGosh I love your comics Scott.

I'd love to get feed back from you on my BluBoy comics... Ryan

Melvyn said...

This can't have effect in reality, that's what I think.
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Paige W said...

I'm definitely going for one before they sell out.

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