so tonight is the Cute Hunter show at Secret Headquarters. you must come to it! or view it virtually..
They've posted all of the work here.
here is what the show contains within...

"Cute Hunter Ascends"

"Cute Hunter Long Day"

"Cute Hunter Takes A Call"

"Cute Hunter Questions Globe"

"Cute Hunter Longingly"

"Cute Hunter Woos Lady"

"Cute Hunter Retires"

"Trophies from the Cute Collection"
a full list of the trophies chosen for this exhibition:
trophy #1, Species: Lil' Precious
trophy #2, Species: Cutie Potatoe pie
trophy #3, Species: Sweet Peepee
trophy #4, Species: Eegeegee Boogeegee
trophy #5, Species: Lil' Baby BaBooBoo
trophy #6, Species: Cuddle 4 Keeps
trophy #7, Species: Cheekeeaboo
trophy #8, Species: Fattie
trophy #9, Species: Strawberry Lips
trophy #10, Species: Candy Face
trophy #11, Species: Breath of Flower
trophy #12, Species: Sugar Pile
trophy #13, Species: Bouncy
trophy #14, Species: Grinding Death
trophy #15, Species: Sweet Peepee
trophy #16, Species: Poopy
trophy #17, Species: Happy Happy Jumpy
trophy #18, Species: Kissie
trophy #19, Species: Puppy Drool
trophy #20, Species: Love Cloudand now... Early Cute Hunters...

"Super Happy Nose Poke"

"Caveman Ridge"

"Rock Mouthing"
and thus ends the cute hunter show. awesome. i am happy for you to have checked out this window into the life of the cute hunter.
see you! go swimming!