Remember London Miles Gallery? Where Everybody All The Time and Supreme Broship happened? Well, there is a new show is called Idol Hours. A group show where artists reimagine master paintings of old.
I revisited Rembrandt's The Anatomy Lecture Of Nicolaes Tulp. Here is the original and my version with my dudes. Also included are a couple development shots because development is interesting.

Opening reception: November 12th, 2010. 7pm to 11pm.
Exhibition on display until: November 12th to December 1st 2010.
@ London Miles Gallery
So go to the show! i will not be there, but so many other cool people will probably be there. you will probably make some friends.Opening reception: November 12th, 2010. 7pm to 11pm.
Exhibition on display until: November 12th to December 1st 2010.
@ London Miles Gallery