Nathan Stapleyand i are having a 2 person show in San Francisco on MAY 1st! it will be at Gallery 1988. The name shall be amicvs monstrvm and it shall contain all new paintings. (there will probably be lots of monsters in the show. i will not lie to you) We both live in New York right now, but we will be returning to our original home in SF for this show! super excited! you should all come and hang with us! (***it will be my mom's birthday, so you can hang with my mom, too)
Here is the sweet flyer... (one side is my side. the other side is Nathan's side)
hey, gang! check this out! Bwana Spoons is putting on a sweet ass show at his Grass Hut in Portland this Friday April 2nd! you should go to it!! it's called BALLS OUT! and the line up is insane..
I painted an effing mummy tornado for it. check it out...
...and here's the flyer. a list of the artists is on there.
sweet. ..scott
this is my first time showing with Grass Hut. i love Grass Hut, so i am excited.
Holy moley, you guys, i am super excited about this next announcement.
I have finally started a tumblr site for the GREAT SHOWDOWNS. Been wanting to do this for ages. i shall be posting one SHOWDOWN a day. You might recognize the first bunch from the Crazy4Cult shows, but i am going to start doing new ones. many new ones. and keep updating.
so go check it out! and follow it! or whatever awesome stuff you do with tumblr. ok!
Hey, again. If you can decipher this sweet article, you should! it is from a Czech VG magazine called Level. It's a dope magazine as far as i can tell. i would read it myself, but i'm not wearing the right glasses.
So Tom from London Miles, made this sweet video from the Everybody, All The Time show. i think you should watch it. i paint on walls in it. very very exciting.
Hey, everyone! here are some pictures from the exciting times in London. some are of the show set up. some are of the show itself. some are even of the comic workshop that went down the following saturday.
thanks to everyone who came!! and especially thanks to Tina and Phil and the London Miles gang. They are the best. for reals.
SPECIAL NOTE: the show will be moving from the East London location to the West London location on March 15th! so be aware! West London location is: Westbourne Studios. 242 Acklam road. ok! see you!